Modelling and Casting Courses

Our modelling and casting courses are just right for you if you …

  • are either a beginner or advanced and experienced sculptor.
  • like to experiement with (new) materials or deepen existing skills.
  • place value on personal guidance in small course groups.
  • want to be instructed by accomplished course instructors.
  • like to let yourself be inspired in the creative process by like-minded students.
  • feel neither to young nor too old for this!

The multiplicity of applied materials offers much variety: clay, plasticine and wax are used for modelling. Plasticine is re-usable and wax serves as modelling material for the wax melting process in bronze casting. Predominately, clay, the classic modelling material, is utilized in the courses. Your work can also be fired at our school. Through the firing process, clay is usable as an ideal artistic finished product.

Our offering of modelling courses comprises the following 3 variations, which we consciously mix together for the compilation of each course group or together with other sculpting courses:

Course Offers


Modelling is totally new to you? Looking for someone who can teach you the basic steps and can show you the joy in working with clay and other modelling materials?


Working creatively with your own hands is enticing and you have already attempted your first modelling projects? You wish to learn various techniques, despite not having much previous experinece? Looking for someone who can teach your the basics step-by-step?

Advanced and professional

You already are comfortable with essential working steps of modelling? You want to work more closely with clay and are looking for someone who can deliver inspiration and professional tips? Welcome to our highest level course!

Special Courses: Modelling


Hauchen Sie Ihren Tonarbeiten „neues farbiges Leben“ ein! In diesem 2½-tägigen Kurs erlernen Sie die Techniken zum Bemalen von Tonskulpturen und Tonobjekten mit Acryl- und Ölfarben. Unter fachkundiger Anleitung experimentieren Sie mit Farben und Oberflächengestaltung. Sie werden dabei von unserer Kursleiterin von der Vorbereitung bis zum farbigen End­ergebnis Schritt für Schritt begleitet.


Mimik und Gestik - Befassen Sie sich mit den Gesichtsausdrücken des Menschen. Freude, Trauer, Überraschung oder Wut – lernen Sie verschiedene Emotionen kennen und erstellen Sie die jeweiligen Gesichtsstudien. Mit den Händen sprechen – was bedeuten diese Gesten? Erlernen Sie die wichtigen Grund- lagen, um dadurch Ihrer Skulptur die gewünschte Aussage zu verleihen!


Concrete is ideal for outdoor design. You become familiarized with the specifics of the material and receive valuable technical tips.


After a short introduction to the technique, you will sculpt large sculptures and figures (approx. 1 m tall) in hollow out modelling.


First you will be taught important basic knowledge of anatomy and the theory of proportions (1 / 8 division). You will then make a didactic drawing and a wire frame. 



An introduction to the proportions and anatomy of the head is at the beginning of this course. After creating an armature, clay is used to build up the head.

Casting Courses


Create filigree small sculptures using the full bronze casting process! First, a wax model is created, which is then molded and burned out. The mold is then poured with liquid bronze and the casting is finally finished. From Monday morning to Tuesday lunchtime, you will be modeling together with our course instructor.

Interactive Modelling and Casting Courses-Overview Calendar

Click on your desired date!

Combination of Practice, Theory and Demonstration

Important topics and demonstrations are offered simultaneously with practical instruction. Utilize the possibility to deepen your specialized knowledge! In half-day courses theory instruction can only be taken in the morning.

Casting Courses